Summer course - Dynamics of semi-enclosed basins , 1-12 July 2024, Faro - 1st announcement

Summer course - Dynamics of semi-enclosed basins , 1-12 July 2024, Faro - 1st announcement

The Universities of Algarve, Granada and Florida are organizing a summer course about the Dynamics of Semi-enclosed basins, on 1-12 July 2024, in Faro (south Portugal). Through a mixture of sessions on theoretical notions and field work activities, the course will provide:

The course is directed to Masters and Phd students involved in the topic. Participation of Postdocs with limited experience in the topic is also encouraged.


Please disseminate widely. More details about the programme and application procedures will be announced soon.


The Scientific Coordinators,

Arnoldo Valle-Levinson (University of Florida)

Manuel Diez-Minguito (university of Granada)

Erwan Garel (University of Algarve)