BSc (2004) in Oceanography by the University of Algarve, an international MSc (2007) in water and coastal management (WACOMA) by the University of Bergen and an international PhD (Cum Laude) (2016) in marine and coastal management (MACOMA) by the University of Cádiz. Dr. Cristina has worked in the optical properties of the coastal and oceanic waters in southwestern Europe. She has focused on the study of the assessment of remote sensing data retrieved by ocean colour sensors, on the link between the bio-optical data and remote sensing data, on the use of remote sensing data for classification of water policies implementation and on the analysis of the seasonal and interannual variability of satellite products and their interaction in and with coastal and oceanic waters. She has contributed to an effective assessment of the remote sensing data in the way to identify which are the most appropriate and accurate remote sensing products, to be used as effective indicators for the monitoring coastal and oceanic waters. She has been involved in national and international projects in two main areas: validation of remote sensing data and European water policy, supported by recognized national and international institutions such as European Space Agency, Portuguese Water Institute, and also with funding from competitive international calls (e.g. FP7, H2020). She is a junior researcher of the Centre for Marine and Environmental Research, at the University of Algarve. Dr Cristina has passed her knowledge to younger researchers, being involved in teaching modular seminars to undergraduate and Master students, as well as supervisor of master students and coordinator of summer courses (e.g Ocean Colour Summer School).
Ocean Colour Remote Sensing, Validation of Ocean Colour Sensors, Water and Coastal Management, Water Quality