Dr Maria João Bebianno ranked 17th in Portugal in the field of biology and biochemistry

Dr Maria João Bebianno ranked 17th in Portugal in the field of biology and biochemistry

Our researcher Maria João Bebianno was ranked 17th in Portugal and 6820th in the world in the 2024 edition of research.com's ranking of the best scientists in the field of biology and biochemistry.

“The 3rd edition of Research.com ranking of the best scientists in the field of Biology and Biochemistry is based on data derived from multiple data sources including OpenAlex and CrossRef. The bibliometric data for devising the citation-based metrics were acquired on 21-11-2023. Position in the ranking is based on a researcher’s D-index (Discipline H-index), which only includes publications and citation values for an examined discipline.” (research.com

O CIMA é financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) através da referência UIDP/00350/2020, com sede no Campus Universitário de Gambelas, Edifício 7,  8005-139 FARO PORTUGAL. Tel: 351 289 244 434, 351 289 800 100; E-mail: cima@ualg.pt (+ info)
O CIMA é financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) através da referência UIDP/00350/2020, com sede no Campus Universitário de Gambelas, Edifício 7,  8005-139 FARO PORTUGAL. Tel: 351 289 244 434, 351 289 800 100; E-mail: cima@ualg.pt