A newly published article, Anthropogenic pressures on coastal wetlands, results from the collaboration of past and present members of Future Earth Coasts, (formerly LOICZ). This was a large, review paper with many collaborators, and three of the co-authors are from CIMA-Centre for Marine and Environmental Research. CIMA is a Regional Engagement Partner of Future Earth Coasts.
The lead author, Alice Newton a former LOICZ chairperson, says: "Global projects, like Future Earth Coasts, bring scientists together, so that they can gain a common perspective on global issues". The article covers wetlands from the Arctic to the equator, in six continents. Some of the wetlands are small and some are very large. Some are in densely populated areas and some are remote. "We used the same social-ecological framework, based on DPSIR (Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response), to analyse all these wetlands" said Alice. "We look forward to a second article, in which we can further the analysis to look for equitable, sustainable solutions, not just to describe the problems".
The article is available in Open Access from this link.