Referência 10EX00027 (UALG)
Ocean Colour Summer School – integrated under “Escola de Verão” of the Universidade do Algarve integrated under the extracurricular
1st Edition of the Summer Course Ocean Colour Summer School (OCSS) 2020 CIMA hosts the “Ocean Colour Summer School” (OCSS) 2020 - Integrated in the “Summer School” of the University of Algarve, financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology Portugal - FCT and with the support of Portugal Space. OCSS focuses on the theme of extraction and use of satellite data, to study phenomena and processes that occur in ocean, coastal and inland waters, and integrates within the scope of the National Space Strategy. The Summer School is composed by academic and research training. The academic part included professors and researchers from the Universities of Algarve, Lisbon, Aveiro, Évora, Azores and Porto, as well as the Hydrographic Institute (IH), the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) and Sagremarisco Lda. This covers theoretical and practical components, with field campaign to obtain radiometric data and the necessary water samples for the validation of ocean colour sensors. In the research part, brief research works are carried out both at the University of Algarve facilities and at partner institutions.
Academic training in the area of ocean colour remote sensing with professors and reaseachers that work in Portugal in this field and I&D formation on different themes linked to the colour of the ocean developed in various research units.