LIFE Ilhas Barreira
LIFE18 NAT/PT/000927
Conserving the Barrier Islands in Algarve to protect priority species and habitats
This Project aims to assess the resilience of the barrier islands to climate change, the state of the Audouin’s Gull and the Little Tern (Chilreta) populations, and the impact that fishing has on the Pardela-Balear Gull.
The main project objectives are to: 1. Understand the main threats to the target species (Audouin’s Gull and Little Tern S. albifrons) and habitats, both on land and at sea; 2. Recover the Grey Dunes habitat and assess the effect of gulls on this habitat; 3. Promote the sustainable use of the Ria Formosa barrier islands and marine area, focusing on fisheries and tourism; 4. Evaluate the effect of climate change and other drivers of change on the eco-morphology of the barrier islands system; 5. Understand the breeding ecology, foraging behaviour and spatial distribution of Audouin’s Gull and Little Tern; 6. Evaluate and mitigate bycatch impacts on seabirds and assess the future effect of the discard ban policy on Audouin’s Gull local population, engaging the local fisherman community; 7. Evaluate possible competitive interactions and predation from Yellow legged-gull (L. michahellis) towards the target species; 8. Protect breeding areas for Audouin’s Gull and Little Tern S. albifrons (restricting tourist access, controlling predators, increasing surveillance and implementing environmental awareness campaigns); 9. Review the marine IBA (Important Bird Area) limits and update the marine area of the SPA (Special Protection Area)