Carneiro I, Carrasco AR, Didderen K, Sousa AI. Evaluating the success of vegetation restoration in rewilded salt marshes. Sci Total Environ. 2024 May 20;926:171699.

Floodbank realignment is a common practice aimed at restoring salt marsh vegetation on previously embanked land. However, experiences indicate that it may take several years before salt marsh vegetation becomes fully established. Various challenges arising from ecogeomorphic feedback mechanisms could pose significant setbacks to vegetation recolonization. The widespread adoption of transplantation techniques for the restoration and rehabilitation of rewilded landscapes has indeed proven to be a valuable tool for accelerating plant development. In the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon (South of Portugal), a pilot plan was implemented, and two salt marsh pioneer species, Spartina maritima (syn. Sporobolus maritimus) and Sarcocornia perennis (syn. Salicornia perennis), were transplanted from a natural salt marsh to a rewilded marsh. Biodegradable 3D porous structures were installed to mimic transplant clumping, aid sedimentation, and enhance the plant's initial adjustment. Ecological, sediment, and hydrodynamic data were collected during the 12-month pilot restoration plan. The environmental profiles of the donor and restoration sites were compared to substantiate the success of the transplants in the rewilded salt marsh. Results show that although plant shoot density decreased after the transplanting, Spartina maritima acclimated well to the new environmental conditions of the restoration site, showing signs of growth and cover increase, whilst Sarcocornia perennis was not able to acclimatize and survive in the restoration site. The failure behind the Sarcocornia perennis acclimation might be related to the bed properties and topographic properties of the restoration site in the rewilded marsh. Major findings contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of how salt marsh pioneering vegetation successfully colonizes disturbed habitats, facilitated using 3D-biodegradable structures.

doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171699



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