
Predictions of long-term coastal evolution on decadal timescales are increasingly sought for adaptation planning in light of climate change and sea-level rise. Present and future needs demand the extension of process-based models beyond short-term time scales to assessment of long-term coastal changes. These models are already able to provide detailed analysis and prediction of morphological changes at short-term time scales. Still, further investigation is needed to bridge the gap between short-term hydrodynamic and transport processes, varying over hours to days, and morphological changes, often taking place over much longer periods. Thus, the importance of studying the medium to long-term (years to decades) morphological change and its effect on coastal sustainability stresses the need for new methodologies to support predictions over these time scales.

Project Main Goals:

ENLACE will explore process-based models to identify the best strategy to simulate long-term coastal evolution of sandy coasts. That strategy will balance reductionism and synthesis to capture behaviors that provide the explanatory and predictive capabilities at an ‘appropriate complexity’ level. For that, a series of state of the art process-based models will be coupled to integrate both longshore (ShorelineS model) and cross-shore (XBeach-Duna coupled models) processes. The novel approach proposed within ENLACE will holistically explore long-term evolution of sandy coasts by also integrating aeolian processes and extending the cross-shore processes to the emerged coastal barrier. The results will contribute to predicting long-term coastal morphodynamics and guide policy makers and managers


Susana Costas, 'Exploring coastal dune adaptation through a simplified process-based morphodynamic model', Invited talk for the International Society for Aeolian Research (ISAR) Seminar series, July 13th, 2022.

Susana Costas, (2020). How do we measure changes in beaches and dunes?, talk (in portuguese) directed to secondary school students, 24 November 2020, Do Laboratório para todos, Centro de Ciencia Viva do Algarve. https://youtu.be/cE-UcmG_83w


Ceará State University: Davis Pereira de Paula | Francisco Rodrigo Cunha de Sousa

Ciencia Viva Center of Algarve: Emanuel Reis | Luis Gonçalves

Project Consultants: Dano Roelvink (IHE-Delft) | Irene Delgado (Edge Hill University) | Derek Jackson (Ulster University) | Theocharis Plomaritis (University of Cadiz)

O CIMA é financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) através da referência UIDP/00350/2020, com sede no Campus Universitário de Gambelas, Edifício 7,  8005-139 FARO PORTUGAL. Tel: 351 289 244 434, 351 289 800 100; E-mail: cima@ualg.pt (+ info)
O CIMA é financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) através da referência UIDP/00350/2020, com sede no Campus Universitário de Gambelas, Edifício 7,  8005-139 FARO PORTUGAL. Tel: 351 289 244 434, 351 289 800 100; E-mail: cima@ualg.pt