Claudia Sequeira studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Algarve. She obtained her MSc and PhD in Mechanical Engineering at Nova University (FCT). Following her PhD, she was contracted by IberWind as a principal consultant to develop new tools for management maintenance and improve wind turbine reliability. Today, she is a lecturer at University of Algarve where she teaches undergraduate and master students in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Claudia is member of the Scientific Commission of CIMA and her research experience is related to renewable energy systems, with a strong collaboration with the wind turbine industry, specifically with aspects concerning: condition monitoring systems. She obtained 3 levels degree of certification in Vibration Analyst, Certified by Mobius Institute.
She is editor of several books and the author of book chapters and scientific articles in international journals.
Vibrations; Maintenance; Renewable Energy; Wind Turbines; Sustainability.