Filomena Fonseca completed her Biology degree in 1987, at the Lisbon University (FCUL). She has a PhD in Biological Sciences since May 1996, by the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Netherlands), on the physiological and molecular responses of plants to elevated CO2. At present she is an Assistant Professor at the Algarve University (FCT-DCBB), and is responsible for the Molecular and Microbial Ecology lab at CIMA-UAlg. She has published 26 articles in international journals with referee system. She has supervised 8 MSc dissertations and 7 Degree thesis, and co-supervised 1 PhD thesis. She participates and/or participated as Principal investigator in 4 project(s) and as a team member (Researcher) in 9 project(s). Her research and teaching work have been developed in the area of Molecular Microbial Biology. Currently her research interests are focused on organisms’ responses to biotic and abiotic stressors with emphasis on development of molecular markers for diagnostic.
Molecular Diagnostics; Population Genetics; Molecular Variability; Molecular Virology, Microbial Ecology