Jaime Aníbal studied Marine Biology and Fisheries (1990-1995) at the University of Algarve (Portugal), winning the Best Student Award. He went on to obtain his MSc in Ecology from the University of Coimbra (1999) and PhD in Ecology at University of Algarve (2004).
Since 1999, Jaime has lectured Biochemistry, Food Chemistry, Enzymology, Seafood Quality and other chemistry-related courses in the Food Engineering Department at the Institute of Engineering (University of Algarve). He also lectures Environmental, Biogeochemical and Sports courses in some Graduation and Master Programs.
At present, his research deals with the effects of environmental changes on food quality, with emphasis on:
[1] seafood deterioration dynamics and development of new spoilage indicators;
[2] valorization of seafood by-products and species of low economical value;
[3] sustainable use of water for human activities.
Jaime is a member of the Scientific Commission of CIMA-Centre for Marine and Environmental Research at the University of Algarve. Author of over 30 research publications and 40 scientific communications.
Food chemistry; Seafood quality; Enzymology; Marine ecology; Biogeochemistry