Serafim, A., Lopes, B., Fonseca, T., (2023). Microplásticos no ambiente: uma nova ameaça à saúde humana? Micro e Nanoplásticos: um Macroproblema.

As sequelas da contaminação ambiental por plástico, só agora começam a ser seriamente encaradas, numa altura em que, passadas poucas décadas da vulgarização do plástico, todos os ecossistemas soçobram já com toneladas de lixo plástico. Quando em 1972, a revista Science, publicou um artigo que relatava a presença milhares de partículas de plástico a flutuar no Mar dos Sargaços, a notícia deixou-nos de boca aberta! Presentemente, já não causa espanto este tipo de paisagem, mas envilece-nos a todos que para ela contribuímos. Não se trata apenas (mas também) de uma questão de horrenda estética. É mais grave! É o bem-estar dos ecossistemas, a nossa própria saúde, o nosso legado.

Rosas, E.G., Martins, F., (2023). Modelação dos microplásticos nos oceanos. Micro e Nanoplásticos: um Macroproblema.

As sequelas da contaminação ambiental por plástico, só agora começam a ser seriamente encaradas, numa altura em que, passadas poucas décadas da vulgarização do plástico, todos os ecossistemas soçobram já com toneladas de lixo plástico. Quando em 1972, a revista Science, publicou um artigo que relatava a presença milhares de partículas de plástico a flutuar no Mar dos Sargaços, a notícia deixou-nos de boca aberta! Presentemente, já não causa espanto este tipo de paisagem, mas envilece-nos a todos que para ela contribuímos. Não se trata apenas (mas também) de uma questão de horrenda estética. É mais grave! É o bem-estar dos ecossistemas, a nossa própria saúde, o nosso legado.

Ribeiro, L., Soares, F., Luna-Araujo, R., Quental-Ferreira, H., Pousão-Ferreira, P., Nathan, J., Cristina, S., Fragoso, B., (2023). Microplásticos na aquacultura, o que sabemos? Micro e Nanoplásticos: um Macroproblema.

As sequelas da contaminação ambiental por plástico, só agora começam a ser seriamente encaradas, numa altura em que, passadas poucas décadas da vulgarização do plástico, todos os ecossistemas soçobram já com toneladas de lixo plástico. Quando em 1972, a revista Science, publicou um artigo que relatava a presença milhares de partículas de plástico a flutuar no Mar dos Sargaços, a notícia deixou-nos de boca aberta! Presentemente, já não causa espanto este tipo de paisagem, mas envilece-nos a todos que para ela contribuímos. Não se trata apenas (mas também) de uma questão de horrenda estética. É mais grave! É o bem-estar dos ecossistemas, a nossa própria saúde, o nosso legado.

Moura, D., Mendes, I., Aníbal, J., Gomes, A., (2023). Introdução. Micro e Nanoplásticos: um Macroproblema.

As sequelas da contaminação ambiental por plástico, só agora começam a ser seriamente encaradas, numa altura em que, passadas poucas décadas da vulgarização do plástico, todos os ecossistemas soçobram já com toneladas de lixo plástico. Quando em 1972, a revista Science, publicou um artigo que relatava a presença milhares de partículas de plástico a flutuar no Mar dos Sargaços, a notícia deixou-nos de boca aberta! Presentemente, já não causa espanto este tipo de paisagem, mas envilece-nos a todos que para ela contribuímos. Não se trata apenas (mas também) de uma questão de horrenda estética. É mais grave! É o bem-estar dos ecossistemas, a nossa própria saúde, o nosso legado.

Moura, D., Mendes, I., Aníbal, J. & Gomes, A. (eds), 2023. Micro e Nanoplásticos: um Macroproblema. CIMA-Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental/ARNET-Rede de Infraestruturas em Recursos Aquáticos, Universidade do Algarve (ED)

As sequelas da contaminação ambiental por plástico, só agora começam a ser seriamente encaradas, numa altura em que, passadas poucas décadas da vulgarização do plástico, todos os ecossistemas soçobram já com toneladas de lixo plástico. Quando em 1972, a revista Science, publicou um artigo que relatava a presença milhares de partículas de plástico a flutuar no Mar dos Sargaços, a notícia deixou-nos de boca aberta! Presentemente, já não causa espanto este tipo de paisagem, mas envilece-nos a todos que para ela contribuímos. Não se trata apenas (mas também) de uma questão de horrenda estética. É mais grave! É o bem-estar dos ecossistemas, a nossa própria saúde, o nosso legado.

Gonçalves, J., Bebianno, M.J., (2023). Efeitos de micro e nanoplásticos em moluscos bivalves. Micro e Nanoplásticos: um Macroproblema.

As sequelas da contaminação ambiental por plástico, só agora começam a ser seriamente encaradas, numa altura em que, passadas poucas décadas da vulgarização do plástico, todos os ecossistemas soçobram já com toneladas de lixo plástico. Quando em 1972, a revista Science, publicou um artigo que relatava a presença milhares de partículas de plástico a flutuar no Mar dos Sargaços, a notícia deixou-nos de boca aberta! Presentemente, já não causa espanto este tipo de paisagem, mas envilece-nos a todos que para ela contribuímos. Não se trata apenas (mas também) de uma questão de horrenda estética. É mais grave! É o bem-estar dos ecossistemas, a nossa própria saúde, o nosso legado.

Beltrán, I.M., del Río, I.S., Veiga-Pires, C., (2023). Os microplásticos à porta do oceano: microplásticos atmosféricos. Micro e Nanoplásticos: um Macroproblema.

As sequelas da contaminação ambiental por plástico, só agora começam a ser seriamente encaradas, numa altura em que, passadas poucas décadas da vulgarização do plástico, todos os ecossistemas soçobram já com toneladas de lixo plástico. Quando em 1972, a revista Science, publicou um artigo que relatava a presença milhares de partículas de plástico a flutuar no Mar dos Sargaços, a notícia deixou-nos de boca aberta! Presentemente, já não causa espanto este tipo de paisagem, mas envilece-nos a todos que para ela contribuímos. Não se trata apenas (mas também) de uma questão de horrenda estética. É mais grave! É o bem-estar dos ecossistemas, a nossa própria saúde, o nosso legado.

Bebianno, M.J., Cristina, S., Nathan, J., Goela, P., Martins, F., Rosas, E., Gonçalves, J., Moura, D., (2023). Será que há microplásticos na costa sul de Portugal? Micro e Nanoplásticos: um Macroproblema.

As sequelas da contaminação ambiental por plástico, só agora começam a ser seriamente encaradas, numa altura em que, passadas poucas décadas da vulgarização do plástico, todos os ecossistemas soçobram já com toneladas de lixo plástico. Quando em 1972, a revista Science, publicou um artigo que relatava a presença milhares de partículas de plástico a flutuar no Mar dos Sargaços, a notícia deixou-nos de boca aberta! Presentemente, já não causa espanto este tipo de paisagem, mas envilece-nos a todos que para ela contribuímos. Não se trata apenas (mas também) de uma questão de horrenda estética. É mais grave! É o bem-estar dos ecossistemas, a nossa própria saúde, o nosso legado.

Bebianno, M.J., Rosas, E.G., Gonçalves, J.M., (2023). O Lixo marinho. O que são microplásticos e nanoplásticos? Como chegam ao oceano? Micro e Nanoplásticos: um Macroproblema.

As sequelas da contaminação ambiental por plástico, só agora começam a ser seriamente encaradas, numa altura em que, passadas poucas décadas da vulgarização do plástico, todos os ecossistemas soçobram já com toneladas de lixo plástico. Quando em 1972, a revista Science, publicou um artigo que relatava a presença milhares de partículas de plástico a flutuar no Mar dos Sargaços, a notícia deixou-nos de boca aberta! Presentemente, já não causa espanto este tipo de paisagem, mas envilece-nos a todos que para ela contribuímos. Não se trata apenas (mas também) de uma questão de horrenda estética. É mais grave! É o bem-estar dos ecossistemas, a nossa própria saúde, o nosso legado.

Afonso, V., Barros, R., Bebianno, M.J., Raposo, S., (2023). O potencial das microalgas na remoção de micro e nanoplásticos à saída das estações de tratamento de águas residuais. Micro e Nanoplásticos: um Macroproblema.

As sequelas da contaminação ambiental por plástico, só agora começam a ser seriamente encaradas, numa altura em que, passadas poucas décadas da vulgarização do plástico, todos os ecossistemas soçobram já com toneladas de lixo plástico. Quando em 1972, a revista Science, publicou um artigo que relatava a presença milhares de partículas de plástico a flutuar no Mar dos Sargaços, a notícia deixou-nos de boca aberta! Presentemente, já não causa espanto este tipo de paisagem, mas envilece-nos a todos que para ela contribuímos. Não se trata apenas (mas também) de uma questão de horrenda estética. É mais grave! É o bem-estar dos ecossistemas, a nossa própria saúde, o nosso legado.

A multi-sensor approach to monitor the ongoing restoration of edaphic conditions for salt marsh species facing sea level rise: An adaptive management case study in Camargue, France

Aur´elie Davranche, Céline Arzel, Pierre Pouzet, A. Rita Carrasco, Gaetan Lefebvre, Dimitri Lague, Marc Thibault, Alice Newton, Cyril Fleurant, Mohamed Maanan and Brigitte Poulin.

The Camargue or Rhone ˆ delta is a coastal wetland in southern France of which parts formerly devoted to salt production are undergoing a renaturation process. This study assessed a multisensor approach to investigate the link between sediment size distribution, habitat development mapped with Worldview 2, flooding durations estimated with time series of SENTINEL 2 images and elevation modelled with a LIDAR point cloud in former saltworks. A Random Forest classification algorithm was used to map the vegetation distributions of Sarcocornia fruticosa and Arthrocnemum macrostachyum, main representatives of the NATURA 2000 “Mediterranean and thermo-Atlantic halophilous scrubs (Sarcocornetea fruticosi)” habitat on the site. The best habitat map was obtained when considering the species separately. The random forest Out-of-bag errors were 1.43 % for S. fruticosa and 2.18 % for A. macrostachyum. Both species were generally distributed on different elevation and flooding duration zones considering mean values. Flooding duration was estimated with the Water In Wetland index (WIW) based on 15 Sentinel-2 scenes. Two models related to sediment grain size distribution were developed: one predicting the flooding duration and one predicting the halophilous scrub distribution. Maps of flooding duration, sediment grain size distribution and elevation highlighted two main zones in the study area: a western section with coarser sediments, shorter flooding durations and higher elevations under sea influence; an eastern section with finer sediments, longer hydroperiods and lower elevations under a historic river influence. This multidisciplinary approach offers perspectives for using space-based data over large scales to monitor changes in edaphic conditions of coastal areas facing natural and anthropogenic forcings. The results call for further investigations to predict the dynamic distribution of other coastal habitats following climate change impacts, such as sea level rise.

Moreira, D., Janeiro, J., Tosic, M. and Martins, F. (2023). A Generic Operational Tool for Early Warning Oil Spills – Application to Cartagena Bay and the Algarve Coast. INCREaSE 2023. Advances in Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer, Cham.

Over the past 10 years, the record of oil spills per year has decreased. However, the size and quantity of oil tanker ships have been growing, which will increase the hazard of a spill. Thus, spill predictions are a crucial component of monitoring because they enable a more effective response to the accident by assessing the impact beforehand and better developing a strategy to mitigate the environmental impact. These predictions are provided by Lagrangian models. The model used in this work will be able to forecast the geographical and temporal propagation of the oil spill slick with the support of the hydrodynamic and atmospheric forcing from external numerical models, which are required to compute these processes. The objective of this work is to construct a Python-based Early Warning System that will serve as the link between the user and the oil spill model. The MOHID Lagrangian module will be adapted to the region of Cartagena Bay, Colombia, as well as for the Algarve Coast, to assess oil spills events and test the adaptability of the tool. Furthermore, the operational models BASIC and SOMA will supply the hydrodynamic and atmospheric forcing for the simulations. The results in this paper showed the high level of adaptability of the tool, as well as its simplicity being adapted to users without deep knowledge in ocean modelling.

Kummerer, V., Loureiro, C., and Ferreira, Ó. (2023). MUTED MORPHOLOGICAL RESPONSE TO EXTREME STORMS IN GEOLOGICALLY CONTROLLED BARRIER ISLANDS. Coastal Sediments 2023. World Scientific. pp. 44-56.

Storm-induced erosion and shoreline retreat of barrier islands are assumed to be primarily controlled by the intensity of the hydrodynamic forcing and barrier morphology. However, less studied non-dynamic variables such as the underlying bedrock topography can mediate the morphological response in geologically controlled barrier systems. This work investigates the role of geological control on barrier island morphodynamics during an extreme storm event. Exposed to highly energetic wave conditions in the West of Scotland, a unique barrier island system developed over a gentle sloping bedrock surface along the Outer Hebrides. Morphological changes driven by an extreme storm in February 2022 were monitored along sections of the Hebridean barriers, revealing muted morphological storm response, but with alongshore variable storm impacts. These ranged from minor dune erosion to overwash of low-lying composite barriers and are linked to variation in barrier morphology and the slope of the bedrock-controlled shoreface and intertidal terrace, which strongly influence nearshore wave transformation. Results suggest that severe storm impacts in the Outer Hebrides barrier islands are only observed when there is an exceptional combination of hydrodynamic forcing (extreme storm waves with high tides and storm surges) and will be enhanced in areas with lower dune morphology and narrower geologically controlled intertidal terraces. Nearshore hydrodynamic processes such as surf beat and wave setup are likely to be important to understand morphological changes in such underreported geologically controlled barrier systems.

Fanti, V., Ferreira, Ó., and Loureiro, C. (2023). APPLICATION OF GLOBAL MODELS FOR STORM IMPACT ASSESSMENT IN BARRIER ISLAND SYSTEMS. Coastal Sediments 2023. World Scientific. pp. 12-23.

The impact of storms on barrier islands can be predicted with increasing accuracy due to the development of process-based models and the use of high-resolution datasets. However, data availability is restricted in space and time, and the potential use of hydrodynamic forcing from global wave reanalyses and topobathymetric grids from global digital elevation models has yet to be comprehensively evaluated. In this paper, we seek to use global models to overcome the high cost and limited coverage of high-resolution topographic data while mitigating their own uncertainty. Here, coarse-resolution boundary conditions and grids from global datasets were used to model the impact of a 50-year return period synthetic storm on a dissipative barrier island using SWAN and XBeach. The runs with global models were compared to a baseline run with high-resolution data, with results indicating an overall underestimation in storm impacts for the global model runs. However, the erosional response to the synthetic storm is reproduced appropriately and erosion metrics are consistent with the baseline run, providing encouraging results for storm impact modelling with global datasets.

Reggiannini, M., Janeiro, J., Martins, F., Papini, O., and Pieri, G. (2023). Mesoscale Events Classification in Sea Surface Temperature Imagery. Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science. LOD 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13810.

Sea observation through remote sensing technologies plays an essential role in understanding the health status of marine fauna species and their future behaviour. Accurate knowledge of the marine habitat and the factors affecting faunal variations allows to perform predictions and adopt proper decisions. This is even more relevant nowadays, with policymakers needing increased environmental awareness, aiming to implement sustainable policies. There is a connection between the biogeochemical and physical processes taking place within a biological system and the variations observed in its faunal populations. Mesoscale phenomena, such as upwelling, countercurrents and filaments, are essential processes to analyse because their arousal entails, among other things, variations in the density of nutrient substances, in turn affecting the biological parameters of the habitat. This paper concerns the proposal of a classification system devoted to recognising marine mesoscale events. These phenomena are studied and monitored by analysing Sea Surface Temperature images captured by satellite missions, such as Metop and MODIS Terra/Aqua. Classification of such images is pursued through dedicated algorithms that extract temporal and spatial features from the data and apply a set of rules to the extracted features, in order to discriminate between different observed scenarios. The results presented in this work have been obtained by applying the proposed approach to images captured over the south-western region of the Iberian Peninsula.

Seasonal and Spatial Variability of Phytoplankton Primary Production in a Shallow Temperate Coastal Lagoon (Ria Formosa, Portugal)

Rita B. Domingues

Coastal lagoons are among the most productive ecosystems in the world, and they provide a wide range of ecosystem services and resources. In the Ria Formosa (southern Portugal), phytoplankton production has rarely been addressed. The main goal of this study is thus to evaluate the variability of phytoplankton production and photosynthetic characteristics over the seasonal cycle and in different locations (landward, urban, intermediate, and seaward boundaries) of the Ria Formosa coastal lagoon, subjected to distinct natural and anthropogenic stressors. Primary production was evaluated using the 14C incorporation technique, and photosynthetic parameters were estimated by fitting photosynthesis-irradiance curves. Primary production showed significant seasonal variations, with higher values in the summer associated with lower euphotic depths, higher water temperatures, and higher nutrient concentrations. No spatial differences were found for primary production or photosynthetic parameters. Primary production values were lower than previous estimates, which reflects an improvement in water quality in the Ria Formosa, but values are higher than primary production estimates for other temperate coastal ecosystems, which reflects the highly productive nature of this coastal lagoon.

Plants | Free Full-Text | Seasonal and Spatial Variability of Phytoplankton Primary Production in a Shallow Temperate Coastal Lagoon (Ria Formosa, Portugal) (

Moura, D., and Oliveira, S., (2023). A History With Many Millions of Years- From the Tethys Ocean to de barrocal of the Algarve. Algarvensis aUGGp e Município de Albufeira (ed), 123 p.

This book resulted from a challenge by the Mayor of the City Council of Albufeira, José Carlos Rolo, to produce a scientific-pedagogical document that would reveal the mysteries of the Escarpão Plateau and surrounding region to a diverse audience. Luís Pereira, from the Mayor's support office, a tireless apprentice of geology with unshakable enthusiasm, traveled with us along all the paths of the Plateau and adjacent lands. Together we have experienced fantastic adventures!

Qual a importância das trocas entre a Ria Formosa e o oceano adjacente para a produtividade biológica destes sistemas?

Cravo, A. & Jacob, J.

Aníbal, J., Gomes, A., Mendes, I., Moura, D., (eds.) À descoberta da Ria Formosa. University of Algarve, Faro. Chapter 3, 27-34; ISBN: 978-989-9023-65-9.

A Ria Formosa é a lagoa costeira mais importante do sul de Portugal, com grande influência nas trocas de água e de matéria com o oceano adjacente, as quais controlam a produtividade biológica destes ecossistemas intimamente ligados. Neste capítulo são apresentadas as características geomorfológicas da Ria Formosa e as características dinâmicas que a tornam um sistema bastante produtivo e peculiar, com forte impacto no oceano adjacente. São ainda apresentadas, pela primeira vez, as trocas através das três barras do setor oeste da Ria Formosa, em condições de maior produtividade biológica, típicas de Primavera, evidenciando a importância da interligação entre estes dois sistemas, particularmente num período sob afloramento costeiro.

Os satélites como instrumentos de aprendizagem e auxílio da Ria Formosa

Cristina, S., Icely, J. & Newton, A. In: Aníbal, J., Gomes, A., Mendes, I., Moura, D.

À descoberta da Ria Formosa. University of Algarve, Faro. Chapter 10, 95-104; ISBN: 978-989-9023-65-9;

A aprendizagem e a compreensão de como um sistema dinâmico como a Ria Formosa evolui ao longo do tempo é imprescindível para a sua preservação. Os satélites de Observação da Terra do programa Europeu Copernicus levam a bordo sensores que permitem medir parâmetros essenciais para o conhecimento da Ria Formosa, tais como: a temperatura, a topografia da superfície do oceano, a cor do mar, a cobertura vegetal e as mudanças no uso e cobertura da terra ao longo dos anos. O contributo dos satélites é fundamental para um conhecimento mais abrangente do sistema lagunar, de modo a complementar os sistemas de monitorização no habitat natural.

Energias limpas na Ria Formosa, o caminho da sustentabilidade

Pacheco, A., Gorbeña, E.G. & Sequeira, C., : Anílbal, J., Gomes, A., Mendes, I. & Moura, D.

O crescimento económico e populacional está entre os fatores mais importantes para o aumento do consumo energético mundial. Atualmente, a forma de energia que o Homem mais utiliza é a energia química (cerca de 80%), nomeadamente, combustíveis fósseis, como o petróleo, o carvão e o gás natural. No entanto, essas fontes são muito poluentes, pois a sua utilização é responsável pela emissão de substâncias nocivas para o ambiente e para a saúde pública. Um exemplo disso, é o aumento da concentração de gases com efeito estufa na atmosfera, como o dióxido de carbono (CO2), que é uma das principais causas do aquecimento global. Além da emissão de poluentes, essas fontes de energia não são renováveis, o que significa que estão sendo consumidas a uma taxa mais rápida do que a necessária para sua produção e, portanto, a sua disponibilidade é limitada e diminuirá ao longo do tempo.

Chapter 9, 87-94; ISBN: 978-989-9023-65-9.

Importância das plantas do sapal para reter os metais que chegam à Ria Formosa devido às atividades humanas

Silva, M.M., Duarte, D. & Chícharo, L., Aníbal, J., Gomes, A., Mendes, I., Moura, D. 

Os sapais são ecossistemas costeiros, na transição entre a terra e o mar, que se caracterizam por ser colonizados por plantas vasculares superiores, herbáceas e arbustivas, que apresentam grande resistência à salinidade, e que por isso se designam de halófitas. Estas plantas desenvolveram ao longo do tempo estratégias de adaptação, que lhes permitem resistir a períodos de submersão, mais ou menos longos, consoante se localizam em baixo, médio ou alto sapal.

Chapter 7, 67-74; ISBN: 978-989-9023-65-9;

I Like This: Década das Nações Unidas

Bebianno, M.J.

É pouco conhecido que o Oceano é o principal suporte de vida do Planeta (29ª Edition, 27-29, versão eletrónica).




Mulheres e o Mar

Bebianno, M. J

Se Portugal é um país de Mar, serão as portuguesas mulheres de Mar? Durante séculos, a História, a Cultura, a Iconografia, a Sociologia e a atenção mediática centraram as narrativas da nossa relação com o Mar na perspetiva masculina. Foram e são homens os celebrados descobridores e marinheiros, os pescadores e cientistas, os aventureiros e poderosos. E, no entretanto, onde estiveram as mulheres? Mais importante ainda, hoje, no início do século XXI, onde estão as “Mulheres e o Mar”?
Elsa Páscoa, jornalista e escritora, foi à procura delas. E nesta obra, lançada pela Diário de Bordo quando se celebra o Dia Internacional da Mulher, apresenta 36 perfis de mulheres, cujas vidas têm o Mar como paixão e vértice comum.

BNP - Mulheres e o mar (

Changes in seabed mining

Hein, J. R., Madureira, P., Bebianno, M. J., ), Colaço, A., Pinheiro, L. M., Roth, R., Singh, P., Strati, A. & Tuhumwire, J. T.

O capítulo 23 da Avaliação do Oceano do Primeiro Mundo (WOA I) concentrou-se na mineração marinha, e particularmente nas indústrias extratives estabelecidas, que estão predominantemente confinadas a áreas próximas à costa, onde são encontrados depósitos de águas rasas, agregados próximos à costa e depósitos de placer, e depósitos de fosfato de água um pouco mais profundos (Nações Unidas, 2017a). No momento da publicação, não havia depósitos de mineração em águas profundas (DSM) comercialmente desenvolvidos, mas uma avaliação das locações de mineração e atividade de exploração foi incluída. Desde o WOA I, o número de águas profundas (profundidades superiores a 200 m abaixo da superfície do oceano) aumentou tanto dentro das jurisdições nacionais dos Estados costeiros, insulares e arqueológicos, quanto além da Área (o fundo do mar, o fundo do oceano e o subsolo além dos limites da jurisdição nacional) sob a administração da Autoridade Internacional do Fundo do Mar (ISA).

Volume II, Chapter 18, 257-280.

Mudanças nos | de mineração do fundo do mar Pesquisa Geológica dos EUA (

United Nations, The Second World Ocean Assessment, Volume II, Chapter 11, 101-150

Bebianno, M.J., Calumpong, H., Chiba, S., Evans, K., Garcia-Soto, C., Kamara, O. K., Marschoff, E., Mohammed, E. Y., Ojaveer, H., Park, C., Randrianarisoa, Y., Ruwa, R., Schmidt, J., Simcock, A., Strati, A., Tuhumwire, J. T., Vu, C. T., Wang J. & Zielinski, T.

De cliques a exuberâncias, de macroalgas a nutrientes: histórias de ritmos, equilíbrios e fotografias na Ria Formosa. In: Aníbal, J., Gomes, A., Mendes, I., Moura, D., (eds.) À descoberta da Ria Formosa. University of Algarve, Faro. Chapter 6, 57-66; ISBN

Jaime Anibal

A História da Ciência é a soma das histórias dos homens e mulheres que para ela contribuíram. Eles passaram as suas vidas angariando Informação, que uma vez tratada transforma-se em Conhecimento, o qual é compilado em artigos e livros. Muitas histórias da Ciência começam com um grande estrondo, mas esta história começou com um humilde clique. Numa fria manhã de inverno de 1988, um homem muito alto permanecia imóvel e sozinho numa estrada ventosa, tirando fotografias durante a maré baixa, aparentemente a nada de especial, tendo como pano de fundo uma zona lamosa de sapal na Ria Formosa. Esse homem, chamado Martin Sprung, repetiu esse singular ritual mensal, durante vários anos, sempre no mesmo local. Martin era um zoólogo alemão, que veio para o Algarve nos anos 80, para implementar um projeto luso-alemão com o objetivo de estudar a biologia da Ria Formosa. Esse projeto foi muito importante no desenvolvimento da licenciatura em Biologia Marinha e Pescas, na recém-criada Universidade do Algarve.

Os efeitos adversos da atividade humana na Ria Formosa

Aníbal, J., Gomes, A., Mendes, I. & Moura, D.

À descoberta da Ria Formosa: desafios de uma lagoa costeira num ambiente em mudança.

University of Algarve, Faro. Chapter 8, 75-86 ISBN: 978-989-9023-65-9

À descoberta da Ria Formosa. (Portuguese Edition). Faro, Portugal: University of Algarve; Chapter 1, 13-18

Aníbal, J., Gomes, A., Mendes, I. & Moura, D. (Eds.).

Recentemente, o CIMA foi abordado por vários autarcas, membros de organizações locais e regionais, e stakeholders da região algarvia, os quais gostariam de ter uma publicação em português, que pudessem consultar aquando da tomada de posições/decisões sobre questões ambientais costeiras. O produto desse desafio é este livro, o qual se destaca pela sua facilidade de leitura e adequação à divulgação científica da investigação realizada no CIMA. Deste modo, não é um livro monotemático, pretendendo pelo contrário uma abordagem sistémica a um alvo territorial, que neste caso é o sistema lagunar da Ria Formosa. Este livro visa transmitir conhecimentos científicos, em uma linguagem simples, mas cientificamente correta. Esse compromisso às vezes é difícil de alcançar. Portanto, cada capítulo contém caixas de texto que explicam os conceitos menos comuns e também um glossário no final do livro.

Sapientia: À descoberta da Ria Formosa (

Approach of the Assessment. In: United Nations, The Second World Ocean Assessment

Bebianno, M.J., Calumpong, H., Chiba, S., Evans, K., Garcia-Soto, C., Kamara, O. K., Marschoff, E., Mohammed, E. Y., Ojaveer, H., Park, C., Randrianarisoa, Y., Ruwa, R., Schmidt, J., Simcock, A., Strati, A., Tuhumwire, J. T., Vu, C. T., Wang J. & Zielinski, T

Volume I, Chapter 2, 39-46.

Approaches to assessment (

No âmago da Ria Formosa: praias lagunares e sapal

Carrasco, A.R. & Matias, A. In: Aníbal, J., Gomes, A., Mendes, I., Moura, D.

As praias lagunares encontram-se na zona entremarés do interior da Ria Formosa, em locais protegidos da ondulação. São ambientes onde há acumulação de sedimentos finos e areia, essencialmente sujeitos à ação das correntes de maré. As suas margens comunicam com sapais e canais de maré. Tanto as praias lagunares como os sapais detêm elevada importância ecológica e albergam inúmeras atividades económicas. As praias lagunares são naturalmente vulneráveis a intervenções humanas e naturais, porque têm uma reduzida capacidade de recuperação quando comparadas com as praias oceânicas. Um conhecimento mais aprofundado acerca da sua dinâmica atual e futura enriquece a sua conservação.

Chapter 2, 19-26; ISBN: 978-989-9023-65-9.

Changes in nutrient inputs to the marine environment

Malone, T. C., Ambulker, A., Bebianno, M. J,. Bontempi, P., Krom, M., Kuosa, H., Montoya, J., Newton, A., Ossey, Y., Yunes, J. S., Smith, W., Sonesten, L., Sylaios, G., Wang, J.

In: United Nations, The Second World Ocean Assessment, Volume II, Chapter 10, 77-99.

Changes in nutrient inputs to the marine environment | United Nations iLibrary (

A importância do mundo invisível dos micróbios na Ria Formosa

Mendes, P., Galvão, H., Caetano, S., Icely, J. & Newton, A., Aníbal, J., Gomes, A., Mendes, I. & Moura, D.

Com o desenvolvimento da microscopia de epifluorescência e técnicas sensíveis de radioisótopos na década de 1970, a abundância e atividade de microrganismos pôde ser observada e estudada em águas marinhas. Estas observações resultaram num novo conceito de rápida transferência e reciclagem de matéria orgânica através de um ciclo microbiano, o “microbial loop”.

Chapter 5, 47-56; ISBN: 978-989-9023-65-9.

Changes in inputs and distribution of solid waste, other than dredged material, in the marine environment

Galgani, F., Stöfen-O’Brien, A., Ambulkar, A. Azzaro, M., Bebianno, M. J., Bondareff, J., Griffiths, H., Hassellov, M., Ioakeimidis, C., Jambeck, J., Keener, P., Lana, F. O., Makarenko, I., Rochman, C., Schuyler, Q., Sobral, P., Vu , C.T., Topouzelis, K., Vethaak, D., Vlahos, P., Wang, J., & Weis, J.

Changes in inputs and distribution of solid waste, other than dredged material, in the marine environment. In: United Nations, The Second World Ocean Assessment.

Volume II, Chapter 12, 151-184. 

Changes in inputs and distribution of solid waste, other than dredged material, in the marine environment | United Nations iLibrary (

O destino das águas residuais humanas – o exemplo Algarvio da Ria Formosa

Veríssimo, F., Martins, F. & Janeiro, J., Aníbal, J., Gomes, A., Mendes, I., Moura, D.

O presente capítulo resume vários trabalhos realizados pela Universidade do Algarve no âmbito de estudos técnicos da qualidade da água do meio recetor de ETAR tendo como destino final a Ria Formosa para a empresa Águas do Algarve, S.A. Teve como principal objetivo a aplicação do modelo matemático MOHID para simular os processos de transporte e de inativação das propriedades microbiológicas dos efluentes e nos processos de acumulação nos bivalves.

Chapter 4, 35-45; ISBN: 978-989-9023-65-9

Effects of depuration on subsequent deterioration and shelf life of cultured grooved carpet shell clam Ruditapes decussatus during chilled storage

Mota F., Aníbal J. & Esteves E., Cortez Vieira, M. M., Pastrana, L., Aguilera, J.

The grooved carpet shell clam Ruditapes decussatus is one of the most consumed and valuable bivalves in the Mediterranean. As with other filter-feeding species, there are health risks associated with its consumption and specimens have to be depurated pending assessment of water quality of the environment where they originate. This study aimed to examine the effects of depuration on parameters of biological (mortality), physiological/commercial (condition index, CI, and percent edibility, PE), physicochemical (pH and TVB-N content), microbiological (TVC, Enterobacteriaceae and psychrotrophic bacteria counts) and sensory quality of commercially-sized clams originated from Ria Formosa (Algarve, south Portugal) stored at chill (5 ± 1 °C) temperatures. The median time to death t50 of non-depurated clams kept chilled for up to 30 days was much lower in the Summer compared to Winter, 12.1 vs. 20.1 days. The post-mortem changes in CI, PE, pH and TVB-N content of non-depurated clams were notably different between the different temperatures tested, 5, 15 and 25 °C. Depuration affected in different ways the level but not the general dynamics of the quality parameters of clams harvested in Summer, the season of peak clams’ consumption. However, eventual safety issues emerge long after habitual storage time and panelists’ sensory rejection.

Chapter 3, pp. 43-63.

Effects of Depuration on Subsequent Deterioration and Shelf Life of Cultured Grooved Carpet Shell Clam Ruditapes decussatus During Chilled Storage | SpringerLink

Mestre, N.C., Rocha, T.L., Canals, M., Cardoso, C., Danovaro, R., Dell'Anno, A., Gambi, C., Regoli, F., Sànchez-Vidal, A., Bebianno, M.J. 2017. Environmental hazard assessment of a marine mine tailings deposit site and potential implications for deep-sea

Portmán Bay is a heavily contaminated area resulting from decades of metal mine tailings disposal, and is considered a suitable shallow-water analogue to investigate the potential ecotoxicological impact of deep-sea mining. Resuspension plumes were artificially created by removing the top layer of the mine tailings deposit by bottom trawling. Mussels were deployed at three sites: i) off the mine tailings deposit area; ii) on the mine tailings deposit beyond the influence from the resuspension plumes; iii) under the influence of the artificially generated resuspension plumes. Surface sediment samples were collected at the same sites for metal analysis and ecotoxicity assessment. Metal concentrations and a battery of biomarkers (oxidative stress, metal exposure, biotransformation and oxidative damage) were measured in different mussel tissues. The environmental hazard posed by the resuspension plumes was investigated by a quantitative weight of evidence (WOE) model that integrated all the data. The resuspension of sediments loaded with metal mine tails demonstrated that chemical contaminants were released by trawling subsequently inducing ecotoxicological impact in mussels’ health. Considering as sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) those indicated in Spanish action level B for the disposal of dredged material at sea, the WOE model indicates that the hazard is slight off the mine tailings deposit, moderate on the mine tailings deposit without the influence from the resuspension plumes, and major under the influence of the resuspension plumes. Portmán Bay mine tailings deposit is a by-product of sulphide mining, and despite differences in environmental setting, it can reflect the potential ecotoxic effects to marine fauna from the impact of resuspension of plumes created by deep-sea mining of polymetallic sulphides. A similar approach as in this study could be applied in other areas affected by sediment resuspension and for testing future deep-sea mining sites in order to assess the associated environmental hazards.

Kwan, Y.H., Zhang, D., Mestre, N.C., Wang, X., Lu, B., Wang, C., Qian, P-Y., Sun, J. 2019. Comparative Proteomics on Deep-sea Amphipods after in situ Copper Exposure

The interest in deep-sea mining increased along with the environmental concerns of these activities to the deep-sea fauna. The discovery of optimal biomarkers of deep-sea mining activities in deep-sea species is a crucial step toward the supply of important ecological information for environmental impact assessment. In this study, an in situ copper exposure experiment was performed on deep-sea scavenging amphipods. Abyssorchomene distinctus individuals were selected among all the exposed amphipods for molecular characterization. Copper concentration within the gut was assessed, followed by a tandem mass tag-based coupled with two-dimensional liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS) applied to identify and quantify the protein expression changes after 48 h of exposure. 2937 proteins were identified and annotated, and 1918 proteins among all identified proteins were assigned by at least two nonambiguous peptides. The screening process was performed based on the differences in protein abundance and the specific correlation between the proteins and copper in previous studies. These differentially produced proteins include Na+/K+ ATPase, cuticle, chitinase, and proteins with unknown function. Their abundances showed correlation with copper and had high sensitivity to indicate the copper level, being here proposed as biomarker candidates for deep-sea mining activities in the future. This is a key step in the development of environmental impact assessment of deep-sea mining activities integrating ecotoxicological data.

Teodósio, M.A., A.B. Barbosa (Eds), (2020). In: Zooplankton Ecology, CRC Press, Boca Raton, 292 p., eBook ISBN 9781351021821.

Teodósio, M.A., A.B. Barbosa

This book aims at providing students and researchers an advanced integrative overview on zooplankton ecology, covering marine and freshwater organisms, from microscopic phagotrophic protists, to macro-jellyfishes and active fish larvae. The first book section addresses zooplanktonic organisms and processes, the second section is devoted to zooplankton spatial and temporal distribution patterns and trophic dynamics, and the final section is dedicated to emergent methodological approaches (e.g., omics). Book chapters include comprehensive synthesis, observational and manipulative studies, and sediment-based analysis, a vibrant imprint of benthic-pelagic coupling and ecosystem connectivity. Most chapters also address the impacts of anticipated environmental changes (e.g., warming, acidification).

Bebianno, M. J., Rocha, T. L., Pontes, J. F., Amaral, A.C., Grenha A. (2020). Potential Ecotoxicological Risks of Nanopharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment. In: Yata,V. K., Ranjan, S., Dasgupta, N., Lichtfouse E. (Eds), Nanopharmaceuticals Principle

Bebianno, M. J., Rocha, T. L., Pontes, J. F., Amaral, A.C., Grenha A.

Nanopharmaceuticals Principles and Applications

Nanopharmaceuticals are an emerging innovative domain of research that integrates nanotechnology and biotechnology applications. This technological development will permit producing unique nanopharmaceutical compounds used in the medical field, particularly in drug delivery. This book chapter focuses on organic (polymeric and lipid nanoparticles, dendrimers) and inorganic (magnetic nanoparticles and quantum dots) materials used to produce nanopharmaceuticals with different characteristics such as size, structure, chemical composition, and behavior enabling their use in different fields, one of which the drug delivery systems. Within drug delivery systems, special emphasis is given to vesicular (liposomes) and nanoparticulate carriers as they are the most explored at the market level. The biotechnological development, main features, and examples of applications of some types of nanostructures are discussed. Moreover, data available on sources, pathways, and effects of nanopharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment are discussed, with special emphasis on the environmental impact of these nanopharmaceuticals to the aquatic environment. Results indicate that there is no standard protocol for ecotoxicological testing and limited information exists on environmental impact assessment of nanopharmaceuticals. Thus, human and environmental safety guidelines are urgently needed to protect both the human health and the environment.

Mills, L., Janeiro, J., Martins, F. (2020). The Effects of Sea Level Rise on Salinity and Tidal Flooding Patterns in the Guadiana Estuary. In: Jeon HY. (Eds.): Sustainable Development of Water and Environment. ICSDWE 2020. Environmental Science and Engine

Mills, L., Janeiro, J., Martins, F.

Sustainable Development of Water and Environment

Sea level rise is a worldwide concern as a high percentage of the population accommodate coastal areas. The focus of this study is the impact of sea level rise in the Guadiana Estuary, an estuary in the Iberian Peninsula formed at the interface of the Guadiana River and the Gulf of Cadiz. Estuaries will be impacted by sea level rise as these transitional environments host highly diverse and complex marine ecosystems. Major consequences of sea level rise are the intrusion of salt from the sea into fresh water and an increase in flooding area. As the physical, chemical and biological components of estuaries are sensitive to changes in salinity, the purpose of this study is to further evaluate salt intrusion in the Guadiana Estuary caused by sea level rise. Hydrodynamics of the Guadiana Estuary were simulated in a two-dimensional numerical model with the MOHID water modeling system. A previously developed hydrodynamic model was implemented to further examine the evolution of salinity transport in the estuary in response to sea level rise. Varying tidal amplitudes, freshwater discharge from the Guadiana River and bathymetries of the estuary were incorporated in the model to fully evaluate the impacts of sea level rise on salinity transport and flooding areas of the estuary. Results show an overall increase in salinity and land inundation in the estuary in response to sea level rise.

Bebianno, M. J., Garcia da Fonseca, T. (2020). Fate and Effects of Cytostatic Pharmaceuticals in the Marine Environment. In: Fate and Effects of Anticancer Drugs in the Environment, edited by Heath, E., Isidori, M., Kosjek, T., Filipic, M., Springer Inte

Bebianno, M. J., Garcia da Fonseca, T. 

Fate and Effects of Anticancer Drugs in the Environment 

Extensive efforts have been devoted to assessing the environmental fate, effects, and risks associated with the presence of pharmaceutical compounds in the marine environment. Higher standards of living combined with aging and the increase of the world population contribute to frequent and highly diverse needs for the use of pharmaceutical compounds. Therefore, inputs of these substances has begun to be detected in the marine environment. Their sources are hospital, industrial, and sewage effluents in which these compounds cannot be properly treated. Therefore, the substances reach the marine environment in their chemical form or metabolized, and their fate in the aquatic systems, after long-term exposure to organisms at environmentally relevant concentrations, should be assessed. One of the groups of these pharmaceutical compounds includes cytotoxic pharmaceuticals applied in chemotherapy. These compounds, although having mutagenic, genotoxic, and teratogenic properties, have received less attention in environmental risk assessment, despite the progressive enhancement of their use with the increase of cancer incidence in the human population. Cytotoxic drugs have variable chemical structures and are used to kill tumor cells or inhibit their proliferation by different modes of action (MoA). The aim of this chapter is to report data regarding acute and chronic responses of cytotoxic drugs on nontarget organisms. An integrative approach of molecular and cellular effects is reported as a result of single or mixture exposures to assess the ecotoxicological potential, synergistic, additive, and antagonist effects of these drugs in biological systems of nontarget species at realistic environmental concentrations. These data are integrated to contribute to the environmental risk assessment of these compounds in the marine environment. Furthermore, recommendations are made for suitable biological models to assess the ecotoxicological effects of these compounds in marine organisms.

Moura, D., Oliveira, S., Boski, T. (2020). The Algarve Southern Rocky Coast. In: Vieira, G., Zêzere, J.L., Mora, C. (Eds): Landforms and Landscapes of Portugal, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-03640-3, 117-124. book/9783319036403

Moura, D., Oliveira, S., Boski, T.

Landscapes and Landforms of Portugal

Landforms and Landscapes of Portugal brings together contributions from 47 authors, presenting a thorough overview of the main highlights of the landscape of Portugal’s mainland. The book, which is a tribute to Professor António de Brum Ferreira, first President of the Portuguese Association of Geomorphologists and former Professor at the University of Lisbon, is organized in five parts: a) Geomorphological setting, dynamics and hazards, b) Coasts, c) Mountains and valleys, d) Urban areas and e) The Portuguese UNESCO Geoparks. This is the first book ever to concentrate on the geomorphology of Portugal and is a benchmark for Portuguese geomorphology. book/9783319036403

Loureiro C., Ferreira, Ó. (2020). Mechanisms and timescales of beach rotation. In: Jackson, D. and Short A.D. (Eds.), Sandy Beach Morphodynamics, Elsevier, Chapter 24, 593-614,

Loureiro C., Ferreira, Ó.

Sandy Beach Morphodynamics

In a simple definition, beach rotation is the opposing movement of the shoreline along the two ends of an embayed beach, driven by longshore and/or cross-shore sediment transport in response to seasonal or periodic changes in wave direction and/or gradients in wave energy. However, when considered in detail, the mechanisms, drivers and timescales of beach rotation are complex, resulting from non-linear interactions of cross-shore and alongshore hydrodynamic forcing, sediment transport and morphological change, developed over single or combined timescales that range from storm events to decadal rotation driven by climate-forced changes in wave conditions. In the context of global change, morphodynamic complexity of beach rotation processes is further compounded by rising sea levels and changes in wave climate, and impacted by artificial modification of beach environments along increasingly engineered coastlines. The spatial and temporal complexity of beach rotation mechanisms creates significant challenges to morphodynamic modelling and management of embayed beaches.

Aníbal, J. (2020). Brainstorming, sondagens e estórias. In: Jesus, S. (Ed.), Inovação e partilha pedagógica na UAlg. Faro: Universidade do Algarve Editora, Chapter 7, pp 49-51, ISBN 978-989-8859-96-9

Aníbal, J.

Inovação e partilha pedagógica na UAlg

Estratégias promotoras de aprendizagem ativa são uma caixa de ferramentas com uma ampla gama de aplicações e graus de complexidade. Algumas exigem mudanças profundas na estrutura do currículo e métodos de aprendizagem (e.g. “problem based learning” ou “flipped classroom”), outras são técnicas simples que levam apenas alguns minutos para serem preparadas e implementadas. Do último grupo, três estratégias de aprendizagem ativas podem ser facilmente executadas em praticamente todas as unidades curriculares, de qualquer curso de ensino superior: brainstorming, sondagens e estórias. Os objetivos dessas estratégias de aprendizagem são "acordar" os estudantes, integrá-los na sala de aula e fazê-los participar ativamente no processo de ensino-aprendizagem.

Didelet, F., Sena, V., Sequeira, C. (2020). Planeamento, técnicas e tendências da manutenção. Porto, Portugal. Engebook Editora. ISBN: 9789898927644

Didelet, F., Sena, V., Sequeira, C.

Planeamento, técnicas e tendências da manutenção

Este livro vem completar o conjunto iniciado pelos autores com a publicação, nesta mesma editora, das obras Fiabilidade e sua aplicação à Manutenção, e também Manutenção de Instalações Técnicas.
Pretende-se abordar alguns aspetos que não foram contemplados nesses trabalhos anteriores, com especial destaque para as técnicas de controlo de condição, e nomeadamente a medição e a análise de vibrações, e continuar a desenvolver aspetos gerais de gestão da manutenção, mas agora mais focados nos ativos.
O público alvo continua a ser constituído pelos quadros que exercem a sua atividade nesta área e os estudantes cujos cursos incluem a Manutenção como um dos vetores de estudo. Para uns e para outros pretendeu-se também deixar uma abertura final às novas tendências de desenvolvimento que são, no fundo, outros tantos desafios da Manutenção.

Sampath, D., Boski, T., Moura, D. (2020). Projections of Maximum Tidal Inundation Limits of Estuaries and Lagoons of the South Algarve, Forced by Mean Sea Level Rise: RCP8.5 Scenario. In: Monteiro J. et al. (Eds) INCREaSE 2019. INCREaSE 2019. Springer, C

Sampath, D., Boski, T., Moura, D. 


This book contains the proceedings of the INternational CongRess on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI cEntury – INCREaSE 2019, which was held in Faro, Portugal, from October 09 to 11, 2019.

The book promotes a multidisciplinary approach to sustainable development, exploring a number of transversal challenges. Among other topics it discusses Climate Changes and Environmental Protection; Renewable Energy; Energy Efficiency in Buildings; Green Governance and Mobility; Water for Ecosystem and Society; Healthy Food; Sustainable Construction; and Sustainable Tourism, offering perspectives from civil, electronics, mechanical, and food engineering.


Rodrigues B., Borges R., Castro M., Constantino A., Raposo S. (2020). Chemical and Physical Pretreatments of Microalgal Biomass. In: Monteiro J. et al. (Eds) INCREaSE 2019. INCREaSE 2019. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-30937- 4; eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-30

Rodrigues B., Borges R., Castro M., Constantino A., Raposo S


Non-axenic microalga Chlorella sorokiniana was cultivated in batch cultures, and its total sugar composition was determined. The microalga under study showed a total sugar concentration of 21.44 ± 0.46% (w/w). The effects of freeze-drying, oven-drying, freezing and thawing, chemical and the combination of hydrothermal and chemical pretreatments were evaluated. In the combined pretreatment different concentrations of H2SO4 and reaction times were also optimized. It was possible to determine that the sugar extraction yields more significant were 59.5% for the lyophilization, 6.2% with 6 cycles of freeze and thawing and around 100% for 2 and 4% (v/v) of H2SO4 at 121 °C for 30 min. Some of the methods that were described in this study are interesting to facilitate cost-efficient conversion of microalgal biomass into biofuels.

Monteiro, J., João Silva, A., Mortal, A., Aníbal, J., Moreira da Silva, M., Oliveira, M., Sousa, N. (Eds.) (2020). INCREaSE 2019, Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI Century. Cham, Springer Internatio

Monteiro, J., João Silva, A., Mortal, A., Aníbal, J., Moreira da Silva, M., Oliveira, M., Sousa, N.


Pulls together an interdisciplinary collection of chapter surveying the challenges posed by sustainability. Covers civil engineering, electronic engineering, food science and technology and mechanical engineering topics. Provides signposts to future research in sustainability.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30938-1

Madeira, H. T., Aníbal, J., Carvalho, L. F., Esteves, E., Veiga-Pires, C. (2020). Nitrate Reductase Activity in Green Macroalgae as an Environmental Indicator of Temperature and Salinity Changes and Its Implication for Climate Change Projections. In: Mont

Madeira, H. T., Aníbal, J., Carvalho, L. F., Esteves, E., Veiga-Pires, C. 


Temperature and salinity changes can affect nutrient assimilation dynamics in primary producers. Green macroalgae use nitrate as a main source of nitrogen for their metabolism. Nitrate needs to be reduced by nitrate reductase, before amino acids synthesis. Our aims were to study the effect of temperature and salinity changes on nitrate reductase activity (NRA) in Ulva rigida and Enteromorpha clathrata, and to assess if this enzyme can be used as an environmental indicator for changes in such abiotic factors. The study of NRA was carried out using potassium nitrate as substrate and propanol as a membrane permeabilizer, letting the produced nitrite to exit the macroalgae cells into the assay medium, allowing its quantification through a colorimetric method. This procedure was carried out at five temperatures (10, 20, 30, 35 and 40 °C) and three salinities of the assay medium (0, 15 and 36 g/kg). Results show that both Ulva and Enteromorpha have maximum NRA at salinities of 36 g/kg, although nitrate reduction can occur in freshwater or brackish water, but at significantly lower rates. NRA varied significantly with temperature for both macroalgae, although Ulva showed maximum NRA at 30 °C, while NRA peaked at 35 °C in Enteromorpha. Likely adequate models were tentatively fitted to NRA-temperature data at different salinities. NRA is a suitable proxy of the effects of temperature and salinity changes on the ability of green macroalgae to uptake and metabolize nitrogen nutrients and can thus be the base for macroalgae proliferation models under climate change model scenarios.

Figueiredo, M., Martins, C., Ribeiro, C., Rodrigues, J. (2020). MILAGE LEARN+: A Tool to Promote Autonomous Learning of Students in Higher Education. In: Monteiro J. et al. (Eds) INCREaSE 2019. INCREaSE 2019, Springer 354-363, ISBN 978- 3-030-30937-4, eBo

Figueiredo, M., Martins, C., Ribeiro, C., Rodrigues, J.


This paper presents the free MILAGE LEARN+ App for mobile devices and computers (iOS, Android, Windows and OSX) that allows students to access educational content in online, blended or flipped learning. This app is a tool to support students in the autonomous solving of problems implementing a pedagogical model that includes gamification, self and peer assessment.

In order to motivate and include all students, the MILAGE LEARN+ App incorporates gamification features with different levels of complexity of exercises to support students with greater difficulties in learning and also include more advanced students. Educational videos are available with tutorials and resolution of exercises to give immediate feedback to students.

The MILAGE LEARN+ App also includes a self and peer assessment scheme that aims to stimulate the student’s autonomous work, to revise content for the storage of knowledge in long-term memory and to identify key steps in the resolution of exercises.

This paper shows the application of the MILAGE LEARN+ in a class of “Introduction to Programming with Visual Basic” to students of Mechanical Engineering.

Constantino A., Rodrigues B., Raposo S. (2020). Chemo-Enzymatic Saccharification Strategy of Microalgae Chlorella Sorokiniana. In: Monteiro J. et al. (Eds) INCREaSE 2019, INCREaSE 2019. Springer, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-30937-4, eBook ISBN: 978-3-030-30938-1

Constantino A., Rodrigues B., Raposo S.


Biofuel production using microalgae attracted much attention because it can be cultured using CO2 and sunlight. With high carbohydrate content, microalgae have the potential to be used as a fermentation feedstock for bioethanol production. In present work, chemo-enzymatic saccharification of Chlorella sorokiniana microalgae were investigated. Chemical hydrolysis of the biomass followed by enzymatic hydrolysis and was also evaluated the effect of combining the two enzymes and the sequential addition. The effect of α-amylase concentrations was analyzed in ranged between 50 and 8000 U/g of biomass and for amyloglucosidase between 90 and 600 U/g of biomass. The higher concentrations showed the highest conversion of reducing sugars. The α-amylase concentration 8000 U/g of biomass presented a conversion of 43.06 ± 2.92% (w/w), while amyloglucosidase with 600 U/g of biomass obtained 76.57 ± 6.42% (w/w). The combination of two enzymes simultaneously was more efficient than the sequential addition for low enzyme concentrations (α-amylase 50 U/g and amyloglucosidase 90 U/g) with a total reducing sugar of 22.78 ± 3.06 and 16.92 ± 2.06% (w/w), respectively. On the other hand, using the higher enzymes concentrations, no difference was observed between the two addition strategies, 58.9 ± 3.55 and 57.05 ± 2.33% (w/w) for the sequential and simultaneous, respectively. Both strategies didn’t present advantage, since the amyloglucosidase enzyme alone produced slightly higher results. Even thought, the obtained results showed successfully performed saccharification of microalgal biomass and clearly point to microalgae use for saccharification and subsequent bioethanol production.

O CIMA é financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) através da referência UIDP/00350/2020, com sede no Campus Universitário de Gambelas, Edifício 7,  8005-139 FARO PORTUGAL. Tel: 351 289 244 434, 351 289 800 100; E-mail: (+ info)
O CIMA é financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) através da referência UIDP/00350/2020, com sede no Campus Universitário de Gambelas, Edifício 7,  8005-139 FARO PORTUGAL. Tel: 351 289 244 434, 351 289 800 100; E-mail: