Sediment gravity flows and ANthropogenic Impacts in a MEDiterranean deltaic-and-canyon environment: Causal relationships and consequences


The SANIMED project focuses on two primary scientific objectives. The first objective is to investigate the genetic mechanisms and significance of gravity flows in deltaic and submarine canyon environments. This involves understanding dominant flow characteristics, their temporal variability, mapping erosional features, and confirming the presence of submarine groundwater discharges in the Guadalfeo River delta and submarine canyon heads. The second objective aims to assess the impact of anthropogenic activities on the continental margin and their relationship with submarine gravity flows. This includes analysing the spatial and temporal variability of marine litter, characterizing litter composition and distribution, studying the effects of river damming, and identifying the influence of bottom trawling on submarine geomorphology, sedimentation rates, and benthic ecosystems. The study area, located off the coast of the province of Granada, exhibits a lateral morpho-sedimentary gradient, ranging from a wide platform with minimal sedimentary input and gentle slope to the west, to a narrow platform heavily affected by submarine canyons to the east.

Project Main Goals:

The SANIMED project aims to decipher the genetic mechanisms and importance of gravity flows in deltaic and submarine canyon environments, and to determine the influence of different anthropogenic actions on the continental margin and their connections with records of submarine gravity flows.


Instituição proponente Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra (IACT/CSIC Granada): F.J. Lobo (PI), J. Cerrillo.

Instituto Español de Oceanografía (IEO/CSIC): P. Bárcenas, O. Sánchez Guillamón

Universidade de Granada: A. Puga, J.N. Pérez Asensio, C. Duque, A. López-Quirós

Universidade de Almeria: F. Sola

Universidade de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: M.J. Sánchez García

Univerisidade de Cádiz: M. Luján, R. Quintana

Universidade de Malta: A. Micallef

Universidade de Ghent: L. Verweirder

Instituto de Ciencias del Mar (ICM/CSIC): R. Durán, C. Cabrera

Fundación Museo del Mar de Ceuta (CETMAR): A. Rosales

O CIMA é financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) através da referência UIDP/00350/2020, com sede no Campus Universitário de Gambelas, Edifício 7,  8005-139 FARO PORTUGAL. Tel: 351 289 244 434, 351 289 800 100; E-mail: (+ info)
O CIMA é financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) através da referência UIDP/00350/2020, com sede no Campus Universitário de Gambelas, Edifício 7,  8005-139 FARO PORTUGAL. Tel: 351 289 244 434, 351 289 800 100; E-mail: